Nicholas Toone

  • Linux Almost Six Months In

    Almost half a year into the Great Linux Experiment and I’m still here.

    HP Linux Whoo!!

    The last time I tired running Linux as a desktop OS was back around 2001. It went so horribly sideways that I lasted maybe two days. Then again this was 2001 and while I could get Linux (Mandrake) installed, couldn’t get the damned thing online. So it was essentially a weekend of yelling and screaming to myself because I had no Internet to yell and scream into.

    Now I can scream all I want, anytime I want. Here are a few things I’ve discovered:


  • 2023 – Here We Go

    To start 2023, I decided to move everything back to where it began. I registered well over a decade ago, so that’s where everything is going to be. The Low Budget Lifer domain will not be renewed and will fall by they wayside sometime in late April. No more clever URL’s. No more content creating on whatever the big platform of the day is. No more playing with SEO or whatnot. Just me in my little corner of the Internet.

    I was going to post a big, blathering piece about 2022 but I couldn’t find the right tone. Everything I wrote sounded overly bitchy, or overly elitist, or overly preachy. In the end, I’ve settled on a short list of what could be called resolutions.


  • 2022: Books

    I read more in 2022 than I have in recent years. I was a voracious reader in my teens and early twenties but tech got its hooks into me over the years and reading books just fell by the wayside. I’ve been working on changing this and for 2023, I plan to read even more.

    I’m not what you’d call a fast reader. My rate is a little more than a book a month; a “book” being +/- 400 pages. I have a habit where I will re-read sentences or paragraphs that I find particularly excellent. I also spent too much time on my damn phone and not enough time with my nose buried in books.

    So without further ado..

    The Storyteller – Dave Grohl (7/10)
    Decent read even though I (and everyone else) knew most of the stories in advance.

    Maltese FalconDashiell Hammett (5/10)
    This has been sitting in one of our bookshelves since I can remember. I decided to give it a read and… Eh, it was ok. A pretty good snapshot of a period in time however, it meandered and didn’t really go anywhere by the end.

    Girl on The Train – Paula Hawkins (7/10) *
    Well written. Twist was good and not overly obvious.

    The Sisters Brothers – Patrick deWitt  (10/10) *
    This was surprisingly excellent. I’m not big on westerns (ask me what I think of Lonesome Dove sometime), but this book stands out as one of the best I read this year (or ever, really). Highly Recommended.

    Greenwood – Michael Christie (10/10) *
    Excellent. I had low expectations as the description made it out to be hippy dippy, which it absolutely was but not in the way you’d think. Highly Recommended.

    Room – Emma Donoghue (6/10) *
    I was really, really into this book … until the escape. I mean, I wanted them to escape but considering all the work the captor did to control her and ensure that she and the boy would never escape, I was honestly surprised he fell for it. It was very paper thin. This took me right out of the whole story making the rest of the book not hit as hard as it could have.

    Can I Say – Travis Barker (5/10)
    I don’t like Blink-182, but Barkers drumming made that band what it is. He plays drums lots. Likes Cadillac lots. Drug abuse. Survived a horrific crash. Run of the mill rock bio.

    Sing Backwards and Weep – Mark Lanegan (4/10)
    While the book contains some good insights into what it’s like being in a 90’s Seattle band that didn’t get really big, I found it a slog because Mark Lanegan is an insufferable, egotistical piece of shit. I really don’t understand why everyone holds him up as a genius. His music and lyrics aren’t all that great and he’s a complete asshole.

    The Only Girl: My Life and Times on the Masthead of Rolling Stone – Robin Green (6/10)
    I thought there would be way more about her time at Rolling Stone but it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good read, it just didn’t cover a lot of her career at RS considering it’s literally the title of the book.

    Infinite Detail – Tim Maughan (4/10)
    Great idea. Ho-hum story. I don’t know what else to say about this one.

    The Institute – Stephen King  (7/10)
    Typical King; good story, fun easy read. I like Stephen King as I know I any book of his is usually a good read and this is one of the better of his more recent ones.

    The Way Home – Mark Boyle  (10/10)
    Well written, fantastic read about someone who has gone pretty much completely off grid. If you haven’t head of Mark Boyle, look him up. He’s an interesting person with an interesting outlook on life and how he fits into it. Highly Recommended.

    Corporate Rock Sucks: The Rise and Fall of SST Records – Jim Ruland (5/10)
    Some ok, yet rehashed history of SST Records can be found here if you could be bothered to wade through unnecessary, super fanboyish reviews of records that no one cares about from bands that no one remembers which all read like Patrick Bateman talking about Huey Lewis and the News. This would have been a better book if the author had just stuck to the story of SST and cut out the incessant navel-gazing.

    Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell (10/10)
    My favorite movie of all time. Decided to give the book a go and it did not disappoint. Highly Recommended.

    Bringing Out The Dead – Joe Connelly (4/10)
    Another title that’s been hanging around in our bookshelf for a long time. I know Scorsese made a movie based in it so why not? It has some good bits and it’s well written, but… while I like dark stories without happy endings, this one didn’t really have anything to say and started to meander about two thirds of the way through to the point of eye rolling. Don’t think I’ll be watching the movie any time soon.

    Find Her – Lisa Gardner (5/10)
    Back and forth between a really well done psychological trauma backstory and a somewhat lame, paint by numbers detective/revenge plot. The payoff is just dropped on your lap, however it’s written like you’re not supposed to notice until the BIG REVEAL a few chapters later.

    * A local, second hand book store does a yearly “Book Advent Calendar” where they have tables and tables of bags marked like “Popular Thriller” or “Science Fiction” etc and each  contains 24 pre-wrapped books. Our family has been doing it for a couple of years now; it’s a good way to reuse/recycle and much more fun than the standard off the shelf garbage Advent Calendars you get at box stores.

  • They Knew You Before You Were Famous – The Just Stop Messing With It Mix

    Here is a song I titled: “They Knew You Before You Were Famous”

    Click here for Lyrics (Yes! Lyrics!)

    They Knew You Before They Were Famous
    They Knew You Before You Were Famous ©2022 Nicholas Toone

    Song Notes

    I’ve been working on this track for far, far too long. My problem is that I just can’t settle. I tweak and tweak and re-do and tweak some more. “If I just add this one more little bit…”

    I need to learn to stop fucking with things and just get the songs done. Less is more, as they say.

    So here it is. I finally just stopped where I was and decided to put it out there. Maybe there will be another mix at some point but, for now, it’s done.

    This one was started on Windows and finished on Linux. I really tried to get the song going in Mixbus, but ended up making a righteous mess of it all. No matter, Reaper was  here to save the day. The final mix was done using Reaper Plugins (mostly ReaComp and ReaEq) and Room Reverb from

    The big thing about this tune is that it has vocals. This is the first time I’ve written lyrics and actually sang anything (other than backing vocals) since early 2013. It took a while for the words to come, but once an idea formed, I put pen to paper and it all came together.

    Now that this one is done, I’ll work to complete the next tune, which is only lacking finished lyrics and recorded vocals. I’ve promised myself that I’m not going to keep tweaking and just get it done. Hopefully I’m not lying to myself; especially since there are another thee songs in half finished states that need my attention.

    For now, enjoy “They Knew You Before You Were Famous”

  • They Knew You Before You Were Famous – Lyrics

    They Knew You Before They Were Famous

    Lyrics and Music by Nicholas Toone. ©2022.

    So here they are again
    They’re scratching at your door again
    I gotta say that they’re surprised you went and showed your face again
    They all came and paid the fee
    And crowded close reluctantly aware …
    ( …of the expected beats that never, ever came to be… )

    Now they’re not sure this is the place
    And they’re not sure yours is the face
    It seems to them the entertainment promised somehow was erased
    So here they are again
    They’re scratching at your door again
    ‘Cos they’re upset that you’d neglect
    To genuflect only to them

    — CHORUS —
    That’s what was said, yes
    That’s exactly what they said
    Screaming under the pandemonium of your adulating rank and file

    That’s what was said, yes
    That’s exactly what was said
    “Why did you change your style and leave us exiled in favour of everything we revile?”

    (you must … they want you to … you must)

    Twist and dance and spin
    Exactly like your first time in
    The pale light of the barfly stages, part time jobs, minimum wages
    Starve so you can feed your muse
    Allow the world to turn its screws
    Don’t think about what’s captivating; hit repeat they’re right here waiting

    From the start they advocated
    So long as you were compensated
    Less than they would ever see which would serve to guarantee that
    They’ll be here again
    They’re knocking on your door again
    ‘Cos they’re surprised that you’d decide to not capitulate to them

    — CHORUS —

    They’ll commiserate and flagellate
    But there’s no chance they’ll abdicate
    The righteousness and piousness that they employ to deviate themselves
    … from what they view as tainted
    Squeaky clean, contaminated with the pleasures of the masses
    Just ignore rose coloured glasses

    Chop your roots and plant new seeds
    Nostalgia’s where they group to feed and
    Castigate you if you haven’t spent enough time on your knees
    Look, here they are again
    They’re kicking in your door again
    ‘Cos they’re confused that you’d refuse their retrospective schemes again

    — CHORUS —

  • Cheat Sheets

    I’ve never really liked the term “cheat” when it comes to learning and doing things. When I was young, the expectation was to memorize everything, be tested on it and the more you remembered, the better grade you received and, I guess, the better person you were.

    We were taught that using any kind of aid was cheating, and cheating was wrong. It was an automatic fail if you got caught finding a way to complete the questions you couldn’t remember the answer for.

    At my first “real job”, I remember frantically trying to remember some piece of SQL code I had learned when a Dev said to me:  “Jesus, dude, just look it up”. I seemed to have forgotten that when I was building websites on my own, I constantly referred to my HTML and CCS books. By myself, this was ok. Being an actual employee made me believe I had to know everything. They hired me because I was smart or something so how dare I cheat?

    Turns out that in the real world it’s called using a reference. It took me a long, long time to shake the mindset that not using reference material was the only way to go. There is simply too much to know at any given moment to be expected.

    This is true with anything, including music. Whether you’re just starting out, or have been at it for most of your life, there is so much to know and remember.

    Those people out there who seem to know their craft by heart? They’ve been doing it for a long, long time and they will always refer to resource materials as there is always more to learn.

    It’s not cheating. It’s experience.

    The Experts Guitar and Bass Cheat Sheet. This is a good one. It gives you the basics on what to cut, boost, or roll off for guitar and bass while also giving the simple reasons why. For example, on guitar cut a little  around 250 Hz to reduce overlap with the bass.

    No-Name Music EQ Cheat Sheet. Graphical page showing the main frequencies between 50 Hz to 15 kHz and what a cut or boost on each will do for guitar, bass, and drums.

    Drum EQ Cheat Sheet. I love this one. It’s a perfect starting point for mixing drums. I’ve used this cheat sheet to setup personal presets in my EQ plugins and always start with them tweaking (usually a lot) as I go.

    EQ Cheat Sheet for Over 20+ Instruments. Need something a little more comprehensive? This one is for you. It covers general EQing as well as all manner of instruments; not just guitar/bass/drums.

    The Frequency Spectrum… I use this one when I have keys of any kind in the mix. A good, quick glance cheat sheet.

    As with anything, these are not magic and will not turn you into a professional mixer overnight. What they will do is help you get started and are great as a resource while you work. Bookmark them. Print them. Make use of them.

    Remember to listen as you make changes to EQ. Don’t just boost and cut exactly where the cheat sheets tell you to and call it a day. Pay attention to what is happening to the sound as you work.

  • The Second Linux Recording

    This one is all Linux. No WINE, no recording on Windows or Mac and bouncing over to this computer.

    It’s Reaper and Linux native plugins running on Fedora

    This few seconds is raw and not anywhere near a final mix. The drums are completely dry. The guitars are run through ToneLib. There are no plugins loaded on the tracks, buses, or master channel. I just “threw up the faders” and hit render.

    All mics and DI were plugged into my beloved US-16×08.

    Drums were miced as follows:

    Still a work in progress, but it turned out much, much better than I anticipated when I started this whole experiment.

  • Working Around Issues

    A few weeks ago I posted a small bit on Low End Tricks. One of those suggestions was to “Freeze/print tracks that are plugin heavy. In fact, freeze/print any track that has a set and forget plugin.”

    I can confirm that this works fantastically.


  • My Recording Rules

    This is a picture of my music project binder:

    The cover is a print out of this little note I made for myself in 2019 while I was in the midst of self inflicted mixing crisis. I no longer have the original note (or, rather, I have no idea where it’s hiding) but I still do my best to follow these simple rules when I’m working on a project.

        • Use the DAW as if it were tape.
        • Don’t overthink, never over edit.
        • KNOW YOUR PARTS.
        • 350.0 Hz is ugly.
        • If possible, no more than 24 tracks.
        • No more than 4 plugins per track.
        • Serve the song at all times, and at all times serve the song.

    While it’s impossible to adhere to all of these all the time; perfection is the enemy of the good and whatnot, this list has served me well especially working on older equipment.

    Remember that less can be more and working with your limitations will always help see you to the end of whatever project you’re working on.

  • KDE Plasma Virtual Desktops

    Setup Virtual Desktops in KDE Plasma

    Update 01/15/2025

    Seems there have been a few changes between Fedora 38/KDE 5.x and Fedora 41 with KDE Plasma 6.2.5. In the newer versions, Virtual Desktop and their shortcuts can be found here:

    Virtual Desktops: System Settings > Window Management  > Virtual Desktops

    Customize Switching Desktops: System Settings > Keyboard > KWin > Switch One Desktop to the Left (or Right).

    If you’re still in KDE 5.25 then here is the magic:

    System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Virtual Desktops

    Customize Switching Desktops

    System Settings > Shortcuts > KWin