Project: Friction – Update 1. “Oh, Come ON!”

Project: Friction is ongoing. Working to setup a NAS has been… friction-y.

It took a few attempts to install TrueNAS Core on the refurbished desktop but I got it. Once I got going, took about maybe ten minutes from starting the install to loading the interface up and logging in. Maybe another five minutes to create a pool and a share and a user and opening a file explorer and moving some test files around.

I’m impressed.

Moved on to getting a Plex Server up and running because the Internet says this be super easy on TrueNAS Core (and why I chose it in the first place). Started the process and…

Well, there’s an error, so there is a web page out there that will tell me what the actual shit this error is. I’m sure it’s a config issue of some sort or I need to manually add a … wait, what? They have a new version called TrueNAS Scale and have just completely shitcanned their plugins in Core?

Maybe I should have read more about TrueNAS Core before I dove in and got this far, but come on! I’d have been happy with “This plugin is unsupported: it blows up, you’re on your own.”

This is some bullshit, lemme tell you what. Guess I’ll be checking out Scale.