Music I Used To Listen To: Possessed

Every once and awhile, just for fun, I’m going to listen to some music I enjoyed when I was a teenager and and post about what I think of it now.

Today’s entry is Possessed: “Beyond The Gates”

Way back in 1986, everyone seemed to be talking about this album based on it’s kick ass, gatefold album sleeve and the strength of their debut album, Seven Churches. I had never heard Seven Churches and I never had a vinyl copy of Beyond The Gates. I did buy the cassette version that had the typical crappy mid-80’s lame, basic ass nothingness. I remember the intro was kinda neat but I can’t remember much about the rest of it so I can’t even say that I really “enjoyed it”.

ANYWAY, I gave Beyond The Gates a listen last week and… wow. Just wow. This album sucks so hard I can’t even find the words. I’m just going to stop writing about it and move on with my life.