2/21/2025 #2 – Too Much

One quick gripe before I sign off.

These Linux distros come with so much bundled software it’s not even really funny. I mean, come on. There is




Some are cool (I’m really going to give LMMS a serious look). Most are not anything I need. More than a few appear to be borderline useless. Some of them crash on startup and have I mentioned there are a LOT of them?

Yes I did mention that, and I’ll say it again: There are a lot of preinstalled apps.

I will say this: while there are a lot, there isn’t bloat like they way PC companies garbage up Windows (HP being the biggest offender). Most all of the apps I’ve removed are small, tiny even, and are not running in the background hogging up resources.

So I guess it’s not all that bad really. What the hell am I complaining about anyway?