Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

This is a quick note to let everyone (yes, all four of you) know that I’ll be fucking around with the design and layout of this here blog over the next couple of days. So things may be wonky at times as I try and figure out how, exactly, WordPress Blocks work.

Blocks is something I’ve been scratching my head over for some time. I’ve mostly stayed on older themes and use the Classic editor because why do you need a separate “block” for each paragraph of text? Turns out I’ve been itching to update the look of my site for a while now and none of the older themes seemed to, as they say, twirl my beanie. The new Twenty Twenty Five theme, however, was what I was looking for design wise.

So Blocks it is I guess – at least for the layout. I’m most likely going to stick with the Classic Editor for posting.

While it’s finally starting to sort of click, I just really wish I knew the thinking behind Blocks. It’s just so fucking convoluted to the point that it borders on hostile. When you see the layout I decided on and compare it to what is in place now, you’ll wonder why it took me nearly a week to finalize.

Whatever. For now, here’s a picture of a chipmunk I took a few years ago :)